The End Of CentOS: AlmaLinux vs RockyLinux vs CloudLinux™

Out of all the operating systems available today there are a few users of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) derivatives who will be looking for their next step following the change to CentOS being an upstream provider, in the guise of CentOS Stream.

Firstly, a little bit about what upstream means. Basically packages are updated before Red Hat Enterprise Linux now, rather than after - meaning they haven't been road tested as they were previously.

Now, a bit about what is available. AlmaLinux is the product of CloudLinux™, a community-driven Linux Operating System primarily for use as an enterprise-grade Linux distribution. Like Rocky Linux, the goal of AlmaLinux is to remain 1-to-1 binary compatible with RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux).

CloudLinux™ is a powerful and versatile operating system to improve the performance and stability of websites and servers. It also offers a wide range of tools and features that optimizes website and server performance. In addition, it is based on the Linux kernel providing a more stable and secure environment for running servers and web applications.

CloudLinux™: What Do You Get?

For most users it's a no-brainer: use the free and open source option. However CloudLinux™ does offer some benefits that aren't seen in AlmaLinux or RockyLinux. See below.

  • LVE and CageFS
  • HardenedPHP
  • SecureLinks
  • MySQL Governor
  • PHP, Python & Ruby Selector
  • Mod_Lsapi
  • PHP X-Ray
  • Centralised Monitoring

LVE and CageFS CloudLinux™ virtualises each account. Each LVE has allotted some resources, such as memory, CPU, etc. With LVE, users cannot use more resources than they are given. This ultimately helps other websites to be secure and stable since other websites don’t get impacted in case of high traffic on a specific website. Rather than slowing down the whole server and causing any failure, only that particular LVE will slow down, not the entire server. In addition, LVE prevents attacks from stealing or hacking private information between the user and the server.

HardenedPHP HardenedPHP secures old and unsupported versions of PHP. In those old versions, including the widely used 7.2, 7.1, 7.0, and 5.6, vulnerabilities, even if discovered, are not patched by the community. HardenedPHP takes care of all this.

SecureLinks Simply prevents symbolic-link style attacks at a kernel-level. Creating files in File Managers symbolicly-linked to /etc/passwd which isn't flagged by the manager is naturally prevented.

MySQL Governor MySQL is one of the main causes of issues on a shared server. MySQL Governor monitors MySQL usage and throttles abusers, preventing them from overloading the server, which improves overall stability and performance.

PHP, Python and Ruby Selectors As described, you can set a PHP, Python or Ruby version for each domain on your system. So using PHP8.0 and PHP7.4 on the same system is possible.

Mod_Isapi Mod_Isapi is the fastest and most reliable way to serve PHP pages. It is a drop-in replacement for SuPHP, FCGID, RUID2, and ITK. It has a low memory footprint and understands PHP directives from .htaccess files.

PHP X-Ray PHP X-Ray provides detailed information on performance bottlenecks that involve WordPress or PHP-based sites. If a site has sluggish plugins, database queries, functions, or external calls, this new tool helps pinpoint the underlying problem.

Centralised Monitoring Centralized Monitoring enables sysadmins to monitor all their servers, determine the load on each one, and identify the users creating the most load. If a domain is using an inordinate amount of CPU, memory, or disk resources, this tool helps bring it under control.

So, use CloudLinux?

Yes and no. Control panels are adopting the niche CloudLinux™ created by implementing user based resource controls technology that has been available since CentOS 6. User-based throttling is a reality for control panels such as DirectAdmin, for instance. Of course, this comes at a premium, but hey - take it or leave it!

To find out more about the projects, see their respective websites: CloudLinux™ AlmaLinux RockyLinux

Best 7 Linux Distributions For VPS

1) Ubuntu

Ubuntu Logo

– Ubuntu is by far the most popular Linux distribution with an intuitive GUI (Graphical User Interface) that is easy to learn and very familiar for Windows users.

– It is essentially Debian-based and easy to install with top-notch commercial support although this is largely irrelevant if you can point and click with a basic understanding of how to interact with applications as you do in Windows.

– Most preferred Linux distribution for non-tech people.

Ubuntu Project Home Page

2) CloudLinux

CloudLinux – CloudLinux is on a mission to make Linux secure, stable, and profitable.

– Based solely on the same platform as Red Hat Enterprise Linux for stable releases and usually command prompt based servers.

– License fees are reasonable for small businesses so it is still a go-to option in the Linux flavour world.

CloudLinux Project Home Page

3) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (a.k.a. RHEL)

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Logo

– Another most famous and open-source Linux Distribution is Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). It is a stable, secure yet powerful software suited mostly to the server classification; however it does provide a wealth of tools, apps and other front end software, if not run headless.

– RHEL was devised by Red Hat for commercial purposes. It offers tremendous support for Cloud, Big Data, IoT, Virtualization, and Containers.

– Its components are based on Fedora, a community-driven project.

– RHEL supports 64-bit ARM, Power, and IBM System z machines.

– The subscription of Red Hat allows the user to receive the latest enterprise-ready software, knowledge base, product security, and technical support.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

4) AlmaLinux


– Stable and open-source derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, an easy way to run the commercial product in open-source format.

– A popular free Linux distros for VPS and operationally compatible with RHEL.

– AlmaLinux is a open-source distribution owned and governed by the community. As such, they are free and focused on the community's needs and long-term stability. Both Operating Systems have a growing community with an increasing number of partners and sponsors.

– Considered the go-to Operating System of choice since CentOS announced the end-of-life for CentOS 8, in favour of being an upstream provider to RHEL (releasing software before RHEL)

AlmaLinux Project Home Page

5) Rocky Linux

Rocky Linux Logo

– Similar to AlmaLinux, this OS is a stable and open-source derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Use open-source instead of paying license fees.

– A popular free Linux distros for VPS and operationally compatible with RHEL.

– Rocky Linux is of course open-source and while they don't have the backing financially like AlmaLinux, it's still a worthy community contributed effort.

Rocky Linux Project Home Page



– The subsequent widespread distribution is SLES which is based on OpenSUSE.

– Both OpenSUSE & SUSE Linux Enterprise Server have the same parent company – SUSE.

– SUSE is a german-based open-source software company.

– The commercial product of SUSE is SLED and OpenSUSE is the non-commercial distro.

SUSE Project Home Page

7) Debian

Debain Logo

– It is open-source and considered a stable Linux distribution.

– Ships in with over 51000 packages and uses a unified packaging system.

– Used by every domain, including Educational Institutions, Companies, Non-profit, and Government organizations.

– Supports more significant of computer architectures. It includes 64-bit ARM (Aarch64), IBM System z, 32-bit PC (i386), 64-bit PC (amd64), and many more.

– At last, it is integrated with a bug tracking system. By reading its documentation and content available for web related to Debian helps you in its support.

Debain Project Home Page

Welcome to the world of open-source distros relevant today. It is all about the 7 best Linux Distros for VPS Hosting of 2023. Let us know which distribution you or your company using today. If you plan to purchase the Linux VPS Server and are confused between the Linux Distros, connect via the comments or lookup more content on here for some easy learning.